
I just wanted to let you know what a great product you have. The hardest thing about twins is feeding them both at the same time. Now with the Podee bottle, it’s so easy. Driving in the car, shopping at the mall or just sitting in their high chairs–we use them all the time. Luke, my one baby, won’t take a bottle without the Podee, I guess he must get less air and I think this is one of the reasons why feeding time is so relaxing for both of them. I have turned everyone in my Twins Club onto them. Thanks again, you have made my life a lot easier.
Mother Of Twins
The Podee bottle is amazing. Not only does it help me feed my baby in her car seat while driving to work, I find it also calms her. She feeds in a partial upright position with the bottle so it seems to really help with reflux too. It has also been a big help when getting ready for work or making dinner. It keeps my baby always fed on schedule when my schedule isn’t going so well. I hope everyone finds out about your bottle. What a help!
JoAnne L.
Podee has been a true blessing – my daughter had colic and the Podee was the only feeding system besides breast feeding that would calm her down. It allowed me to get out of the house without her screaming. I tried propping a bottle, but it just didn’t work. She could use the Podee bottle by herself and be perfectly content. And I didn’t have to worry about her getting too much formula this way. Now she is five months old and she has mastered the Podee Feeding System. I am very active with different groups and activities like Gymboree, Mom’s Clubs, Hospital Play Groups, etc. In addition, my husband and I take our baby out with us every weekend. The system has allowed us to stay involved. Everyone asks about the Podee system so I bought the remaining bottles you had at Babies R Us and gave them away as shower gifts. Even though I still nurse, this product has been a real life saver!
Mother of one

I enjoyed talking to you about your wonderful Hands-Free bottle. We couldn’t live without it and now neither can the majority of our friends who have children. As I was telling you, many people throughout the Richmond area approach me, wanting to know what this incredible, revolutionary gadget is. I am always more than happy to brag about your product, telling them what it is, does, and where to find it. I can’t express how valuable this bottle is to us.
We use our Podee while Kaitlin (our 9-month-old) is in her walker, playpen and car seat. For us, it saves time. For Kaitlin, it gives her the independence she demands and craves. When she is in her playpen and crib playing and is thirsty, she takes sips from her bottle when she wants to and she always sits up to use this bottle so we don’t have to worry about ear infections from her laying down and drinking at the same time.
We had talked about the expanded marketing possibilities. Just to put it in writing to help you out, we’ve found that this bottle is great for ages 2 months to a little over a year. My best friend started her 2-month-old on this bottle for car trips. We use it religiously in our mini-van. We put it in Kaitlin’s carseat.
Again, thank you for developing such a wonderful, innovative product. We can’t say enough great things about it! If we can be of any help to you in your endeavors with this or any future products, please let us know.
Kaitlin’s Mom
Richmond, Virginia
I am writing to just praise you for your product. What a find it was when our daughter (now 5) was an infant and we were traveling with her. Having to stop every 3 hours or so to feed her was bothersome (not because we didn’t want to but because we needed to get there).
We stopped at a relatives home in South Carolina and visited a baby store where we purchased the bottle – we just “plugged” her in and away we went. We also used it when our son was born he was prone to ear infections and heard upright feeding was best. Your product made it possible for him to sit completely upright and still eat. Problem Solved!
But, we never dreamed we’d need it again. It’s even better this time we now have twin girls and when both want fed at the same time (which happens more often than not) no problem. I work at a maternity and infants clothing store and am always telling someone about our discovery. Thanks for your time.
Mother Of Four
South Carolina
Everywhere I go people ask me about the Podee® bottle. I cannot imagine life without it. I use it in the car, in the grocery store, and anywhere else. I gave one to my friend, a doctor, for her infant’s ear problems and after using the Podee® her daughter didn’t have any more ear infections. She’s sold.
One problem. You guys need better marketing. Do you need any sales reps? I’d be interested.
On The Go Mom
United States
This is by far the best baby product I have purchased for my son! Due to acid reflux and ear infections he is not able to lay back and drink from a bottle comfortably and is unable to hold a bottle up by himself. The Podee bottle works perfectly for him to sit up and drink as well as on-the-go! I have several friends who are pregnant and definitely plan to purchase Podee bottles for all of them!
Louisville, KY, USA

Podee® has been a true blessing – my daughter had colic and it was the only feeding system besides breast feeding that would calm her down. It allowed me to get out of the house without her screaming. I tried propping a bottle, but it just didn’t work. She could hold Podee® by herself and be perfectly content. I did not have to worry about her getting too much formula this way.
Now, she is five months old and she has mastered the Podee® Feeding System. I am very active with different groups and activities like Gymboree, Mom’s Clubs, Hospital Play Groups, etc. In addition, my husband and I take our baby out with us every weekend. The system has allowed us to stay involved. Everyone asks about the system – I bought the remaining bottles you had at Babies R Us and gave them away as shower gifts.
People are constantly approaching me and asking where they can get one. I tell them. However, if you want to give me your business cards, I would pass them out, then, they could order direct from you without going through a middle source.
Please let me know, I would be happy to do this. I still nurse, but this product has been a real life saver. Thanks again [Spelling Edited]
When I first saw your bottle I was skeptical. As a breastfeeding mom, I thought that it would be horrible not to hold your baby for a feeding. Well, my third baby was born. I already had a 5 and a 2 year old. She hates her carseat and despises a pacifier. With 2 other kids to run around, I had no choice but for her to be in a carseat. After weeks of hearing her scream and everywhere we went I saw your bottle – at Babies R Us [we] picked it up. It’s been bliss!! She rides along in her carseat happily drinking milk that I express for her into her Podee®. She loves it and we can all travel in peace!!

Here at the Children’s Rehabilitation Centre, our clientele include children with celebral palsy, developmental delay, spina bifida, and neuromotor and neuromuscular conditions.
The Occupational Therapy Department is active in helping parents assist children who have difficulties in feeding, and in this regard, we have found your Podee bottle to be extremely useful in promoting transition from the baby bottle to straw drinking; which is an efficient system of getting liquids into a child with neuromotor challenges. In particular, one young man who is five years old, had not been able to be weaned from drinking from a baby bottle; but after using the Podee baby bottle, we were able to have him drinking from a straw without the use of the baby bottle within a short time.
Any sample bottles you can send would be greatly appreciated. As well, we would like any catalogues of other products you have, and the availability to order additional bottles and/or any of the other products you sell in the future.
Lucy Miller, B.Sc., O.T. (C), Director, Occupational Therapy Dept.
I felt compelled to tell you just how much your product has meant to our family.
My 14-month-old son was diagnosed several months ago with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. This terrible disease has prevented him from having the independence he obviously desires. For his first year of life he was mostly breastfed. I was unable to skip the bottle and use a cup with him because his muscles just will not allow him to hold anything at an angle. The simple weight of a cup or bottle is too much for him. Unfortunatley, I had to hold a bottle for him just as one would for a newborn. Although I loved the closeness, I longed to see my little boy feed himself. With a three-year-old besides, I also needed some time! I stumbled upon the Podee bottle sheerly by accident. I never knew there was such a thing. Jackson is seen by several doctors, therapists, and even a nutritionist. They think this bottle is the perfect thing for him and wonder why they have never seen this product before.
On a whim, I decided to see if you had a www.podee.com, and therefore I couldn’t resist sending this note. I hope other parents with children of special needs can learn of this very special product. It is the only means of self-feeding my son has. It literally has changed my schedule for the better! I can now leave the house with my son to run an errand and know that he can eat in his stroller by himself. No more searching for a place to sit and hold him!
It’s nice to have free hands to do the dishes and laundry! Thanks so much. I must obtain another Podee bottle soon! Anonymous.
United States
I use your Podee bottle with my handicapped daughter who cannot use her hands to hold a cup to drink from. Your product has been a life-saver. You might consider marketing through Exceptional Parent Magazine or other publications targeted to children and infants with specific need. I am posting your number at our web site for Rett Syndrome (name of my daughter’s disability), as I believe it may help many of these girls. Thanks again!
Mother Of Handicapped Daughter
United States

I LOOOOOOOOVE my Podee®! I just got it yesterday and it’s already my favorite baby accessory!! We’re out and about quite a lot, and trying to feed my 6-month-old in the backseat and driving just didn’t quite work. He’s much happier with his Podee® and so am I! Thanks for coming up with a GREAT product!!
I was given a bottle by a friend and I just love it!! Since my 9-month-old son has been using it I have had nothing but compliments on the bottle. So many people have asked for information on the bottle that I decided to look you up on the web. Please send information on the bottles wholesale cost and how soon I could start making it easier for other moms. I live in the Los Angeles area, so commuting has made it easier for my son and I.
This is by far the best baby product I have purchased for my son! Due to acid reflux and ear infections he is not able to lay back and drink from a bottle comfortably and is unable to hold a bottle up by himself. The Podee bottle works perfectly for him to sit up and drink as well as on-the-go! I have several friends who are pregnant and definitely plan to purchase Podee bottles for all of them!
Louisville, KY, USA

As a physiotherapist for 8 years, I have had the opportunity to treat many an injury related to caring for and the feeding of babies. Some of these include forearm tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist tenosynivitis, and many more that I will omit as not to bore you.
In addition to working in private practice, I also own Body Action Design, a company which is tailored to finding products that help not only with sports rehabilitation, injury treatment and fitness, but also products that are functional and assist in INJURY PREVENTION. I believe that after using our Podee system [Baby Bottle] with our twins, I can list more than a dozen reasons why not only parents of multiples but also singles would find this product beneficial while at the same time body friendly and functional.
I carry a number of items in my catalogue and on my website and I am developing a section related more to the activities of daily living for both full bodied and disabled individuals. I would love to be able to offer your product to my clients as well as our soon to be TWINS support group.
Thanks for a fine product and I look so forward to hearing from you. This is the second time I have sent this letter and as of yet I have not received confirmation. I am also in need of a few pieces for the PODEE but because I do not live in the USA I am finding increasing difficulty with obtaining the pieces.
These are the only bottles that I will use. They are wonderful. I had twins and was scared on how I would handle feeding time when my husband went to work. Scared no more, we found these bottles and they are the ones we use. And with these bottles the twins have not had one ear infection at all – not like my older child did when she was on the other kind of bottle.
I tell all new Moms about this bottle and how wonderful it is. The twins will not take any other kind of bottle.
As a grandmother of 4, I have just experience your hands-free bottles with my 6 mo. twin grandchildren.
When my daughter-in-law told me about the bottles, I had a hard time understanding how it works. But after visiting them last week, I am sold on the bottles!
What a wonderful invention and what a life saver for feeding two at a time!
I will recommend the bottles to every new parent. They are especially helpful when traveling or out shopping!
I would just like to start out by saying how much I love your product. I am a new mother to 4-month-old twins. We have been using the podees [Podee Baby Bottles] pretty much since the beginning. At first feeding the twins was very stressful, but then we discovered the podee system and it has literally changed our lives! The Podee has given us that little bit of ease that seems to make all the difference! Every where we go we are stopped at least 5 times and everyone’s question is, “What is that?” People are just amazed and confused by it at the same time. I have only met one person who knew what a Podee was. We always explain what the Podee is and how it works. We tell them how wonderful it is and recommend it to everyone.
I only have one problem with the Podee. The nipples wear out after a short while & you guys don’t sell just the nipples. I’ve tried using other nipples and they don’t work! We are struggling financially because of the twins and don’t have the money to buy a whole new system when all we need is a few new nipples! So far we have bought 10 systems! I thought maybe you could send us a few new large latex nipples for all the free advertisment we have given you! I would really appreciate it if you could.
Sincerely, a Podee Fanatic
Hi…Just wanted to let you know that your product has saved my life. On 7/31/01 my wife gave birth to our twins, John & Deirdre. Walking in the park one day we met a woman who suggested that we try the Podee® Bottle. Well, you know, it worked. Saved us a lot of time and energy. We recommend your product to every parent that we meet. On 12/5/04 my wife gave birth to Mary, Kathleen and Siobhan. The first thing we did was get some new Podee® bottles. Just wanted to say thank you.
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Please note that we reserve the right to filter our site content and may change or delete personal information for the protection of your identity or that of minors. We will edit the content and correct grammatical/spelling errors. We reserve the right to omit your submission without notice from our www.podee.com website, and to not include your testimonial on the www.podee.com website.